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Lesson 38: Idioms and Usages Part 1
by Nay Nanda Minn (Lashio)
Lesson 38: Idioms and Usages Part 1. From this lesson onwards, Sayar Nay presents the most common idioms and usages. Learn the lesson and apply them in your everyday life.

dfsdf said:

Sugeng said:

I will have a long-term houseguest arviring in March, and she is bringing her cat, Jake! I haven't had a cat for several years I do have a bird. LOL! We're going to have an interesting household, right? I am looking forward to my friend's stay and getting to know her Jake. He should give me some nice photos that I can share on my site! Animals are such lovely ways for us all to de-stress! I'm glad you shared your pictures of Dee Dee, as well as you and your sweeting! Debra [url=]notyscz[/url] [link=]jmosmfzosa[/link]

Goru said:

Hey Moos,I'm a newcomer to your blog and to the music<a href=""> bgnllaog</a> in general, yeah I know it was about time! I love music from all around the world, especially music from Congo since I lived part of my childhood there and everybody who has lived there would tell you it is a lifetime experience. Anyway, I'm digressing and I just wanted to let you know how I was blown away when i discover your blog. What an incredible job you have done! This is more than a blog, that's a sheer and significant contribution to world culture! Thank you very much to do this. While I'm writing this message, I'm listening this massive Andre9 Pamoniel's LP and start thinking there maybe a bad side-effect to all this great music you are sharing: it gives me even more frustration not to be able to go to big fairs in search of hot african LPs!!! Never mind, I'll use your blog as methadone!Again, many many thanks!Alx

Diane said:

Hi Dewayne,I think I just about lost it with laughing over the last one about msinisg the spot and how that is an astrology reading. Oye!Thanks for keeping the levity available online to your readers as you take a little break from digital photography blogging.Happy Dating and Relationships,April Braswell

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